MP Election 2023:-Computer Baba

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Computer Baba claims that the true Sanatani government is not the one led by Shivraj, but Kamal Nath’s government, and targets the BJP.

computer baba

MP Election 2023: Computer Baba claims that the true Sanatani government is not the one led by Shivraj, but Kamal Nath’s government, and targets the BJP.

Computer Baba made some bold statements in Dhar, targeting CM Shivraj and the BJP. According to him, Shivraj Singh Chauhan’s government is not truly Sanatani, but rather Kamal Nath’s government embodies the true Sanatani spirit. He further claimed that Shivraj only uses Sanatan Dharma as a means to secure votes and gain power.

Former Minister of State, Computer Baba, recently held a press conference in Dhar where he strongly criticized the BJP government and Shivraj Singh. He spoke about the Gomata Bachao Yatra and claimed that the real Sanatani government is led by Kamal Nath’s government, not Shivraj. According to him, Shivraj and his government only use Sanatan Dharma as a means to gain votes, but they are not truly Sanatani.

I find it deeply worrying to learn that the state government has shut down all cow shelters. It appears that some politicians are exploiting Sanatan Dharma solely for political gain, instead of genuinely practicing it. As leaders, it is imperative that they prioritize the welfare of all living beings, including mother cows. I am heartened to hear that Kamal Nath’s government has established cow shelters at several locations within the span of 15 months, which is a commendable display of their commitment towards upholding the values of Sanatan Dharma. Moving forward, I hope that all leaders will prioritize the protection and care of animals, and refrain from using religion as a tool to garner votes.

It is disheartening to hear about the poor conditions of cow shelters and the lack of importance given to the welfare of mother cows. It is commendable that a leader has taken the initiative to raise awareness about this issue through the Cow Mata Bachao Yatra. It is important for the public to be informed about the actions taken by politicians towards the protection and care of animals, including mother cows. Ultimately, it is up to the voters to decide which leaders prioritize the values of Sanatan Dharma and the wellbeing of all living beings.

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