
  • PM Modi

    Big Sign of Changes CM Post all three states!


    Signs of change of CM in all three states! PM Narendra Modi did not give any credit to any leader And Told How BJP got the Victory. PM Narendra Modi gave credit to the workers for the tremendous victory and...

  • chattisg

    Who Will Be Next CM For Chhattishgarh, As Legislative Assembly Election 2023 Uses PM Modi’s Face?


    Chhattisgarh’s Electoral Odyssey: Navigating the Political Landscape in the Aftermath of the Assembly Elections Fought in the Face of PM Modi Prelude to the Political Odyssey: Chhattisgarh, a state known for its rich cultural tapestry and diverse landscapes, found itself...

  • Screenshot 2023 10 18 at 12.05.31 PM

    Congress & BJP Struggle, Who Controls it, Shapes Destiny.


    Chhattisgarh elections: Discontent in both Congress, BJP, who controlled it, will kill the field Chhattisgarh is part of the five states where assembly elections will be held. At present, there is a party government in the state and the Bharatiya...